Monday, March 21, 2011

Repent for the US west coast

I'm finding more as I go.... many of you may already have heard that Bob Jones prophecied last week's Japan disaster over 20 years ago and that once it had happened, many more things would begin to come together, including THE quake of the US west coast, and world-wide economic disaster. 

See Rick Joyner's explanation here in his special bulletin video.  Or Here for his written newsletter concerning the matter. 

Also, see a former US Geologic Survey scientist's explanation of how the natural, physical signs are lined up to point to a large earthquake coming to America's west coast, even THIS WEEK.  This scientist accurately predicted San Fransisco's 1989 massive quake..... as did Bob Jones.  The Lord speaks through many means through many servants, whether they are reading the "natural" signs of science, or the supernatural signs of the prophetic realm. 

Further, a friend just emailed me that she received a vision this morning of a young boy standing stunned in the middle of earthquake rubble in California.  I have talked to several just "ordinary" people who received dreams and visions about Japan in the days just before the EQ and Tsunami occured.  Is the Lord also showing just "ordinary" people what is about to happen here?  The earth groans as it awaits the revealing of the sons of God. Let us listen, and press into maturity, for the sake of the earth, the Kingdom, and our fellow human beings.

Father, show us how to shake our hearts and our nation free of unrighteousness, so that it does not take the shaking of the earth and all we know to get our attention.  Free us of EVERY hindrance that stops our ears from hearing your voice in the days, months, and years to come, for we need your individual direction and instruction.  We turn from reliance on our minds, our money, our connections, etc.  WE cry to You, our only hope, for wisdom, protection, righteousness, and peace.  Heal our land. 

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